Updated 1/23/2019

We value your privacy. Your information is not shared or sold to third parties. We may opt you in to our periodic subscriber list upon your first order. If you’d rather not receive offers or news from us you can unsubscribe by clicking on the link at the bottom of the email. Our automated system will remove you immediately. We won’t spam you.

We may use cookies to enhance your experience on our site. There are no advertisements on our site. We may log your IP address to protect against bots and automated attacks, but this information is not in any way linked to your personally, identifiable information.

Your orders are secure from end to end. You will receive an email from us when you complete your purchase and again when your order ships. Your package will be not have any markings or any identifying order details or images. Your order will come packaged in generic, plain envelopes or packages. It will be addressed from “POWER SP.”

We use state of the art SSL encryption to protect your personal information.

Please call or email us if you have questions. Our contact info can be found on the “contact” page.